Where Waxing Meets Skincare
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What Makes Our Wax Unique
- We combine hair removal + skincare by incorporating emollients and buffers into our professional waxing products.
- Our waxes are made with premium resins and apply in thinner layers than competitors, featuring low melting temperatures for comfort.
- Our hard waxes offer superior elasticity and pliability, preventing cracking during the hair removal process.

Through our line of waxes, skincare, and accessories, we supply our customers with the exceptional performance they’d expect from an Italian brand, so they can provide their clients long-lasting, silky smooth results--and eye-catching confidence. We do this because we believe in only presenting our very best, just like you do.
Because NaturaverdePro is manufactured in Italy, our standards are automatically high -- defined by the utmost attention to detail, tradition, and design sense. We’re also subject to the EU restriction of over 1,300 toxic chemicals that are often used in cosmetic products made elsewhere.

“I get great results with the pink wax - it works great!! Grabs every hair without breakage and pulls that root our beautifully”
- Carrie, Esthetician